Jennifer Beeston’s: Preparing to Buy a House In 2023?? (Step by Step Guide) 🏠 from October 27, 2022

1. Credit - Where It All Begins

So, I get a lot of calls where people are like, "I just don't know what to do. What should I even do?" And I'm like, "Okay, so I'm going to walk you guys through the questions that I ask people, and what I advise them to do so that you guys can do this as well. And after we do these three questions, you may go, 'I'm ready, I'm ready.' And if you're ready, reach out, guys. We'd love to get you pre-approved. Okay, so here's how the conversation usually goes.

2. Credit Scores and Loan Types

3. Addressing Bad Credit

4. Income Stability

5. Delving Deeper into Income

6. Asset Check

7. Budgeting and Mental Prep

8. Visualization and Lease Timing

  1. Credit Scores for Different Loans:
  2. Addressing Bad Credit: Resolve any issues, possibly with professional help.
  3. Income Calculation for Variable Hours: Consistent hours are important; otherwise, lenders will average out your income.
  4. Down Payment Assistance: Seek specialized lenders if needed.

Final Advice:

  1. Know Your Budget Limits: Qualification doesn’t always mean affordability.
  2. Dream Realistically: Ensure your financial and employment stability aligns with your homebuying goals.